Schulter-Zentrum - Exercises for patients


Below we offer you exercises that you can do yourself at home.


You can download our flyer with exercises for at home here:

Exercise 1: Exercise on the wall

Lean against the wall and feel where your shoulder blades are. Pull your shoulders down and together, hold for 10 seconds, release. The movement takes place between the shoulder blade and the ribcage.

10 repetitions each 10 seconds

For better clarity, a glass pane is used in this video instead of the room wall

Exercise 2: Exercise with Theraband

Hang the Theraband or Deuserband above head height. 90° angle in the elbow joints, the elbows close to the body. Pull your shoulders down and together against the pull of the elastic band. The chest rises. The movement takes place mainly between the shoulder blade and the ribcage, less between the head of the humerus and the shoulder socket.

10-20 repetitions

Exercise 3: Dorsiflexion

Hang the Theraband or Deuserband above head height. 90° angle in the elbow joints, the elbows close to the body. Pull your shoulders down and together against the pull of the elastic band. The chest rises. The movement takes place mainly between the shoulder blade and the ribcage, less between the head of the humerus and the shoulder socket.

10-20 repetitions

Exercise 4: Exercise “from the U”

Prone position. There is a pillow or towel roll under the chest. The arms hover just above the ground next to the body with the elbow joints bent. Move your arms alternately towards your head and towards your waist.

10-20 repetitions

Übung 5: Dehnen der kleinen Brustmuskeln

In den Türrahmen greifen, der Daumen zeigt zur Decke, der Arm ist ausgetreckt auf Schulterhöhe. Die kräftig eingesetzte Handmuskulatur verhindert das Hergleiten des Armes, sodass die Schultermuskulatur komplett entspannt werden kann. Den ganzen Körper vom Arm wegrotieren bis eine Dehnung im Brustbereich zu spüren ist.

Dehnung beider Seiten nacheinander für jeweils 20 Sekunden.

Exercise 6: Stretching the large pectoral muscles

Supine position. The upper body is supported by a towel roll (approx. 10 cm in diameter). This is located between the shoulder blades along the spine. The arms lie relaxed next to the body. A second person gently but firmly presses both upper arm heads towards the surface from above.

Stretching for 20 seconds

Exercise 7: External rotation against light weight

Fill a plastic bottle with approx. 300-500 ml of water and attach a string to the bottle. Hang the string over the doorknob and hold the end of the string in your hand. 90° angle in the elbow joints, elbows close to the body. Pull the cord outwards so that the bottle is lifted.

20-30 repetitions on both sides.

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