
The certified course curriculum “Examination techniques of the locomotor organs” is taught by Dr. Betthäuser and takes place every two years and on six evenings per year in the advanced training academy of the Hamburg Medical Association.
Between 1994 and 2019, Dr. Betthäuser conducted up to seven certified ultrasound courses on the musculoskeletal system each year in Hamburg and Bad Wiessee (and until 1998 in Sylt). Additionally, he served as a DEGUM course instructor in Munich. These courses are certified by DEGUM, DGOOC, KVHamburg, KV Bayern, and ADO.
Since 2014, Dr. Betthäuser has been leading two workshops per year on the topic of “Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on the Musculoskeletal System (FESWT)” in Hamburg Eppendorf.

Betthäuser, A,
Ultrasound diagnostics in shoulder examination. Lecture at the 5th Meeting of the Shoulder Network, Germany, Hamburg, October 25, 2018

Betthäuser, A,
Shoulder sonography from an orthopedic-trauma surgical perspective. Lecture at the 41st US Three-Country Meeting, Linz, October 12, 2017

Betthäuser, A,
Subacromial pain. 4th Quality Circle of the Shoulder Network, Hamburg, February 17, 2016

Betthäuser, A,
Preoperative diagnostics in shoulder arthroplasty – What is the significance of sonography? Update Shoulder Arthroplasty of the DVSE, November 22, 2014, Hamburg

Betthäuser, A,
Programmed, efficiency-oriented approach to shoulder ultrasound examination – a refresher course on musculoskeletal sonography on May 2, 2015, Baden-Baden, 57th Annual Meeting of the VSOU

Betthäuser, A,
Tendons of the shoulder and elbow in orthopedics and traumatology. US Three-Country Meeting, Innsbruck, October 29, 2014

Betthäuser, A.,
Braun, C.: :
Evidence-based therapy of “subacromial impingement syndrome” in the shoulder – medical measures. Lecture at the Federal Congress of Physiotherapy on September 20, 2014, Berlin

Betthäuser, A,
Shoulder sonography, State of the Art. 38th Rotenburg Symposium, Rotenburg, November 23, 2013

Betthäuser, A,
Shoulder, US functional diagnostics and labrum. Lecture as part of the Refresher Course “Musculoskeletal Sonography” Baden-Baden, 60th Annual Meeting of the VSOU, May 1, 2012

Betthäuser, A: Ultrasound in traumatic lesions of the shoulder. Lecture at the DEGUM Seminar Leaders Meeting, Cologne, May 21, 2011

Betthäuser A,
Syndesmotic injury to the upper ankle joint – often overlooked – which imaging and when? German Congress for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, October 21-24, 2009, Berlin

Betthäuser A, Kele H,
Clinical and imaging diagnostics of the shoulder girdle – a workshop. 58th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association, June 18-20, 2009, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Hip dysplasia/infant hip and sonography. 3rd Specialist Seminar Orthopedics/Trauma Surgery on May 14, 2009, Asklepiosklinik Altona Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Refresher Workshop Sonography Shoulder. 16th Annual Congress of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, April 24-25, 2009, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
The AGILON system. Workshop. 16th Annual Congress of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, April 24-25, 2009, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Programmed diagnosis for differentiation of articular versus extra-articular pain sources in patients with psoriasis. Invited by the Advisory Board of Dermatologists, Merck Serono, Nuremberg, November 29, 2008

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and imaging diagnostics of the shoulder girdle – a workshop. 57th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association, June 12-14, 2008, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Hip dysplasia/infant hip and sonography. 2nd Specialist Seminar Orthopedics/Trauma Surgery on May 22, 2008, Asklepiosklinik Altona Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy – An evidence-based therapy? Certified training series, September 5, 2007, Klinikum Eilbek, Hamburg

Menkens S, Hille E, Thies E, Betthäuser A,
A new programmed, rational approach in ultrasound diagnostics of the shoulder joint.
19th EUROSON Congress / 31st Three-Country Meeting EFSUMB, DEGUM, ÖGUM, SGUM, October 24-27, 2007, Leipzig

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and imaging diagnostics of the shoulder girdle – a workshop. 56th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association, June 14-16, 2007, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Alternative methods in Orthopedics. Lecture within the framework of the Quality Circle Hamburg Nord-Ost on May 24, 2007.

Betthäuser A, Hellmers N, Krug F, Scheinemann P, Raabe K, Mourier N, Hille E,
AGILON shoulder prostheses – first experience. MUTARS Workshop from February 9 to 11, 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Betthäuser A,
Significance of Sonography in Shoulder Diagnostics. Lecture as part of the Congress “Rund um die Schulter” at the Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery of the University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg on January 31, 2007.

Betthäuser A, Menkens S,
The new Piezowave Shock Wave Therapy. Workshop on December 9, 2006, at Richard Wolff, Knittlingen.

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis of the Shoulder Girdle – a Workshop. 55th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association from June 15 to 17, 2006, in Hamburg.

Betthäuser A, Menkens S, Hille E,
Ultrasound Diagnosis of the Shoulder Girdle – A new programmed rational concept. 55th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association from June 15 to 17, 2006, in Hamburg.

Betthäuser A,
Sonography of the Musculoskeletal System. Lecture as part of the certified training series of the Department of Trauma, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery of the University Medical Center Eppendorf, Hamburg, on November 1, 2006.

Betthäuser A,
Therapy for Rotator Cuff Defect. Lecture as part of the certified training series of the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery DGU/DGOOC Klinikum Eilbek, Hamburg, Schön Kliniken on November 1, 2006.

Menkens S, Thies E, Hille E, Betthäuser A,
Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis – A new treatment algorithm. German Orthopedic Congress, October 2006, Berlin.

Löffler L, Betthäuser A,
Ultrasound Diagnostics in the Musculoskeletal System. Workshop in Sports Medicine Bernau/Felden, 10th Continuing Education Seminar under the patronage of GOTS and the Sports Orthopedics Section of DGOOC, Bernau/Felden am Chiemsee, July 12-16, 2006.

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and Imaging Examination of the Hip Joint in Athletes. Workshop in Sports Medicine Bernau/Felden, 10th Continuing Education Seminar under the patronage of GOTS and the Sports Orthopedics Section of DGOOC, Bernau/Felden am Chiemsee, July 12-16, 2006.

Betthäuser A,
Injuries and Overuse Damage in Rowing. Workshop in Sports Medicine Bernau/Felden, 10th Continuing Education Seminar under the patronage of GOTS and the Sports Orthopedics Section of DGOOC, Bernau/Felden am Chiemsee, July 12-16, 2006.

Betthäuser A,
Rotator Cuff Lesions in Athletes – Open or Arthroscopic Treatment? Workshop in Sports Medicine Bernau/Felden, 10th Continuing Education Seminar under the patronage of GOTS and the Sports Orthopedics Section of DGOOC, Bernau/Felden am Chiemsee, July 12-16, 2006.

Betthäuser A, Hellmers N, Hille E,
Ultrasound Examination of the Shoulder – A new programmed, rational concept. Meeting of the Working Group on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine DEGUM, Munich, April 1, 2006.

Betthäuser A, Menkens S, Kruppa T, Hellmers N, Raabe K, Löffler L, Hille E,
The ultrasound examination of the BANKART-PERTHES lesion is highly valuable. Meeting of the Working Group on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine DEGUM, Munich, April 1, 2006.

Betthäuser A,
Shoulder Instability. Lecture on February 22, 2006, as part of the certified training series of the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery DGU/DGOOC, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eilbek, Hamburg.

Betthäuser A,
Knee Joint Instability – Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis – Efficiency-oriented Approach. 7th Specialty Day, Hamburg, Hotel Hafen Hamburg, October 5, 2005.

Betthäuser A, Menkens, Kruppa T, Hellmers N, Hille E,
The ultrasonographic evaluation of the PERTHES-BANKART lesion has a high value. 19th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow (ESSSE), Rome, Italy, September 21-24, 2005.

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and Imaging Examination of the Shoulder Girdle – Current Programmed Examination. Workshop. 55th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Hamburg Hotel Elysee, June 15-17, 2006.

Hellmers N, Böthig H, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
The Anterior Capsule Shift Operation according to NEER in the Treatment of Multidirectional Instability of the Shoulder Joint with Special Consideration of Laxity. German Orthopedic Congress, October 19-21, 2005, Berlin.

Menkens S, Hille E, Betthäuser A,
Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the Musculoskeletal System – Medium-term Results. German Orthopedic Congress, October 19-21, 2005, Berlin.

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Ultrasound Diagnosis of the Shoulder Girdle – A New Programmed, Rational Concept. German Orthopedic Congress, October 19-21, 2005, Berlin.

Hellmers N, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
The Anterior Capsule Shift Operation according to NEER in the Treatment of Multidirectional Instability of the Shoulder Joint (MDI) with Special Consideration of Laxity. 12th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE) e.V., Weimar, May 27-28, 2005.

Betthäuser A,
Knee Joint Instability – Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis, Value of Tricks, and Efficiency-oriented Approach. Workshop. 54th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Hamburg Hotel Atlantik, June 16-18, 2005.

Betthäuser A,
Early Results after J-Spanplasty for Post-Traumatic Shoulder Instability. 1st International Shoulder-Elbow Symposium of the EndoClinic, June 18-19, 2004, Hotel Vierjahreszeiten Hamburg.

Betthäuser A,
Programmed Examination of the Knee Joint. 1st Eilbek Knee Symposium, AK Eilbek, Hamburg, November 29, 2003.

Betthäuser A,
Clinical Examination of the Knee Joint. Course Series of the Medical Association Hamburg, AK Barmbek, February 5, 2003.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Schröder J., Hille E,
Ten-Year Results of Sonographically Guided Conservative Therapy for Neonatal Hip Dysplasia. German Orthopedic Congress, Berlin, November 13-16, 2003.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Schröder J, Hille E,
High-Energy, Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis – A Comparative Study of Single and Triple Therapy. German Orthopedic Congress, Berlin, November 13-16, 2003.

Storm D, Bartschad T, Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Long-Term Results of Derotational Varization Osteotomy in the Treatment of Congenital Hip Dysplasia. 52nd Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Kiel, May 13-14, 2003.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) in the Treatment of Pseudarthrosis – Case Studies. 52nd Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Kiel, May 13-14, 2003.

Betthäuser A, Menkens S, Hille E,
Is the Lateral Cut in the Ultrasound Diagnosis of Dislocated Infant Hips Sufficient? 52nd Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Kiel, May 13-14, 2003.

Betthäuser A,
Workshop on Shoulder Joint Diagnostics. Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Kiel, May 13-14, 2003.

Betthäuser A, Kruppa T, Bartram C, Raabe K, Hille E,
Significance of New Ultrasound Diagnostic Findings in the Diagnosis of Shoulder Joint Instability. Tri-National Meeting of the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine DEGUM, October 23-26, 2002, Basel.

Betthäuser A, Kruppa T, Bartram C, Raabe K, Hille E,
Significance of New Ultrasound Diagnostic Findings in the Diagnosis of Shoulder Joint Instability. Session of the Movement System Working Group of the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine DEGUM, March 2, 2002, Frankfurt am Main.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Schröder J, Hille E,
Significance of New Ultrasound Diagnostic Findings in the Diagnosis of Shoulder Joint Instability. 51st Annual Congress North German Orthopedic Association, Essen, June 14-15, 2002.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Programmed Ultrasound Localization in Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for the Musculoskeletal System. 51st Annual Congress North German Orthopedic Association, Essen, June 14-15, 2002.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Schröder J., Hille E,
High-Energy Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis – A Comparative Study of Single and Triple Therapy. 51st Annual Congress North German Orthopedic Association, Essen, June 14-15, 2002.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Schröder J., Dries S., Hille E,
Ten-Year Results of Sonographically Guided Conservative Therapy for Neonatal Hip Dysplasia. 50th Annual Congress South German Orthopedic Association, Baden-Baden, April 1-4, 2002.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Schröder J., Dries S., Hille E,
Ten-Year Results of Sonographically Guided Conservative Therapy for Neonatal Hip Dysplasia. 51st Annual Congress North German Orthopedic Association, Essen, June 14-15, 2002.

Storm D, Bartschad T, Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Long-Term Results of Derotational Varization Osteotomy in the Treatment of Congenital Hip Dysplasia. 50th Annual Congress South German Orthopedic Association, Baden-Baden, April 1-4, 2002.

Menkens S, Storm D, Dries S, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Ten-Year Results of Sonographically Guided Conservative Therapy for Neonatal Hip Dysplasia. 50th Annual Congress South German Orthopedic Association, Baden-Baden, April 1-4, 2002.

Storm D, Betthäuser A, Hille E, Nabavi M,
Ten-Year Results of Valgus Tibial Head Osteotomy in Open-Wedge Technique. 50th Annual Congress South German Orthopedic Association, Baden-Baden, April 1-4, 2002.

Menkens S, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Hip Pain in Childhood. 50th Annual Congress South German Orthopedic Association, Baden-Baden, April 1-4, 2002.

Regular lectures in the field of sports medicine at the University of Hamburg from 1994 to 2001.

Betthäuser A, Bartschad T, Menkens S, Storm D, Schröder J, Hille E,
Long-Term Results of Derotational Varization Osteotomy in the Treatment of Hip Maturity Disorder. Symposium of the Association for Pediatric Orthopedics, November 9-11, 2001, Halle.

Menkens S, Bartschad T, Schröder J, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Ten-Year Results of Sonographically Guided Conservative Therapy for Neonatal Hip Dysplasia. Symposium of the Association for Pediatric Orthopedics, November 9-11, 2001, Halle.

Jenner N, Betthäuser A, Flügge K, Raabe K, Hille E,
Can Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Provide Significant Efficacy for Epicondylitis Humeral Radialis with Piezoelectrically Generated Energy? German Orthopedic Congress, October 3-6, 2001, Berlin.

Jenner N, Betthäuser A, Flügge K, Raabe K, Hille E,
Can Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Provide Significant Efficacy for Epicondylitis Humeral Radialis with Piezoelectrically Generated Energy? International Congress on Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, March 30-31, 2001.

Betthäuser A,
Ultrasound Diagnostics for the Detection of Injuries and Overuse Damage in Athletes. Continuing Education Event of the State Sports Physicians’ Association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, October 7, 2000, Bad Doberan.

Betthäuser A, Kruppa T, Bartram C, Raabe K, Hille E,
Significance of New Ultrasound Diagnostic Findings in the Instability Diagnosis of the Shoulder Joint. 48th Annual Congress of the “Vereinigung Süddeutscher Orthopäden” (Association of South German Orthopedists), Baden-Baden, 2000.

Betthäuser A,
Overuse Syndromes of the Musculoskeletal System – Lower Extremity. Sports and Exercise Medicine – An Interdisciplinary Field. Department of Sports Science, University of Hamburg, October 28, 2000.

Hille E, Quante M, Betthäuser A, Müller G, Dries S, Haller C,
Does the Unstable Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Require Differentiated Surgical Approaches? 48th Annual Congress of the “Vereinigung Süddeutscher Orthopäden e.V.” (Association of South German Orthopedists), Baden-Baden, 2000: 23-23. Medizinisch-Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Uelzen.

Betthäuser A,
Prevention of Shoulder Injuries. 7th Hamburg Days of Sports and Exercise Medicine in Prevention. Department of Sports Science, University of Hamburg, April 8, 2000.

Betthäuser A,
Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Rotator Cuff. 1st Barmbek Shoulder Forum: The Rotator Cuff, February 12, 2000, Hamburg.

Betthäuser A,
Special Orthopedic Examination Techniques, Seminar of the Medical Association Hamburg in Hamburg, January and February 2000.

Betthäuser A, Kruppa T, Bartram C, Raabe K, Hille E,
Significance of New Ultrasound Diagnostic Findings in the Instability Diagnosis of the Shoulder Joint. Poster presentation at the 23rd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Berlin, September 26-29, 1999.

Betthäuser A, Kruppa T, Bartram C, Raabe K, Hille E,
Programmed, Dynamic Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Shoulder Joint – Efficiency-Oriented Approach and Therapeutic Relevance in Instability Diagnosis. 23rd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Berlin, September 26-29, 1999.

Betthäuser A,
The individual Barmbek step therapy concept in the treatment of anterior knee joint instability with and without cartilage lesions, Biomechanical – Orthopedic Colloquium, Hamburg 19.10.1998

Betthäuser A,
Ultrasound diagnosis in shoulder joint instability – Algorithm of dynamic sonography of the shoulder joint today. Ultrasound Diagnosis 1998. 22nd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Zurich 14-17.10.1998

Gaulrapp H, Betthäuser A,
Ultrasound diagnosis in shoulder joint instability – Clinical examination algorithm. Ultrasound Diagnosis 1998. 22nd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Zurich 14-17.10.1998

Betthäuser A, Goergens E, Hille E, Hackelöer B-J,
Sonographically guided therapy of hip dysplasia. Lecture on the poster. Ultrasound Diagnosis 1998. 22nd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Zurich 14-17.10.1998

Betthäuser A,
Morphology of hip dysplasia – Infant sonography: Old and new – Relevance. Annual Meeting of the Professional Association of Orthopedic Physicians in Lower Saxony, Winsen, 5.9.1998

Betthäuser A,
Basic course in ultrasound diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system and infant hip with special consideration of sports medicine aspects. 8th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 29.8. – 5.9.1998

Lampe F, Betthäuser A,
Femoropatellar pain syndrome, diagnosis and therapy of patellar instability. 8th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 29.8. – 5.9.1998

Betthäuser A, Honl M, Müller V,
Surgical techniques for knee ligament injuries. 8th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 29.8. – 5.9.1998

Betthäuser A,
Clinical examination with imaging diagnosis of knee ligament injuries. 8th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 29.8. – 5.9.1998

Betthäuser A,
Sonography in sports medicine. 8th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 29.8. – 5.9.1998

Thomsen M, Betthäuser A,
Aspects of quality assurance in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. International Workshop of the Hamburg Sports Physicians Association and the Orthopedic Clinic of AK Barmbek: Problems of the cruciate ligament injured – Indication, cartilage transplantation, rehabilitation. Congress Center Hamburg, 6.6.1998

Betthäuser A, Thomsen M,
Therapeutic algorithm in anterior cruciate ligament rupture and chondral accompanying injuries. International Workshop of the Hamburg Sports Physicians Association and the Orthopedic Clinic of AK Barmbek: Problems of the cruciate ligament injured – Indication, cartilage transplantation, rehabilitation. Congress Center Hamburg, 6.6.1998

Betthäuser A,
Rational shoulder diagnostics – Value of imaging procedures. Symposium of the Professional Association of Orthopedics, Hamburg, and the Working Group of Hamburg Orthopedists, Hamburg, 12.5.1998

Betthäuser A, Goergens E, Bullmann V, Hille E,
In which cases are soft bandages like tape indicated in the conservative therapy of congenital foot deformities? 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for Pediatric Orthopedics, 17-18.4.1998, Hamburg

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Therapy of degenerative and traumatic cartilage lesions of the knee joint – The Barmbek step concept. Symposium of the Professional Association of Orthopedics, Hamburg, and the Working Group of Hamburg Orthopedists, 12.5.1998, Hamburg

Betthäuser A, Ehresmann J, Hille E,
Comparison of different anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction techniques using standard evaluation methods. 84th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology e.V. and 39th Congress of the Professional Association of Orthopedic Physicians e.V. 15-18.10.1998, Wiesbaden

Betthäuser A, Löffler L, Hille E,
The new, dynamic, high-resolution sonography of the shoulder joint – Procedure and therapeutic relevance. 46th Annual Meeting of South German Orthopedists e.V. Baden-Baden 1998

Lampe F, Betthäuser A,
The femoropatellar pain syndrome, conservative and operative therapy. 7th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 30.8. – 6.9.1997

Betthäuser A, Honl M, Müller,
Conservative and operative therapy of knee ligament injuries. 7th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 30.8. – 6.9.1997

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and imaging diagnosis of knee ligament injuries. 7th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 30.8. – 6.9.1997

Betthäuser A,
Sonography in sports medicine. 7th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 30.8. – 6.9.1997

Betthäuser A,
Basic course in ultrasound diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system and infant hip with special consideration of sports medicine aspects. 7th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1997

Betthäuser A, Benthien A, Hille E,
The new ultrasound screening in the early detection of hip dysplasia in Barmbek and the German-speaking region. 1st Orthopedic-Neonatal-Obstetric KVP Conference Hamburg, 18.8.1997

Honl M, Müller V, Morlock M, Dierk O, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Age dependence of the fixation strength of ACL plastic. Clinical transfer of an in-vitro study. 35th German Sports Medicine Congress, Tübingen 1997

Lampe F, Miesner K, Betthäuser A, Wurm R, Hille E,
Quantitative assessment of patella position in muscular patellar instability using magnetic resonance imaging. 35th German Sports Medicine Congress, Tübingen, 1997

Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Heinold M, Schröder J, Hille E,
Efficiency of sector-selective quadriceps training in the rehabilitation of cruciate ligament injuries and patellar instabilities. 35th German Sports Medicine Congress, Tübingen, 1997

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Instability Test III – A new tool for objectifying shoulder instability using active stress sonography? Poster presentation, 35th German Sports Medicine Congress, Tübingen, 1997

Hille E, Müller G, Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Benthien A,
Negative and positive adaptation of the musculoskeletal system to sports movements. 4th Biomechanics Symposium of the German Association of Sports Science dvs in Oldenburg, 3-5.4.1997

Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Heinold M, Hille E,
Efficiency of sector-selective quadriceps training in the rehabilitation of cruciate ligament injuries. 46th North German Orthopedic Congress, 12-14.6.1997 in Bremen

Betthäuser A, Bullmann V, Beckmann H, Hille E, Baumann,
Extracorporeal Piezoelectric Therapy for Shoulder Calcific Tendinitis – Value of Ultrasound Localization and Initial Experiences with the “Piezolith 2500”. 46th North German Orthopedic Congress, 12-14.6.1997 in Bremen

Betthäuser A, Heinsohn R, Hille E, Scharphuis I, Schmotzer H, Bernbeck J, Vangsness CT jun.,
Kinematic Effects of Stabilizing Surgical Procedures after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture – An in vitro – 3D – Ultrasound Diagnostic Study. 46th North German Orthopedic Congress, 12-14.6.1997 in Bremen

Mallwitz J, Betthäuser A, Jafari M, Hille E,
Achillodynia – A differential diagnostic breakdown of a collective term using dynamic sonography. 46th North German Orthopedic Congress, 12-14.6.1997 in Bremen

Lampe F, Wurm R, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Therapy control in muscular patellar instability by magnetic resonance imaging. 45th Annual Meeting of South German Orthopedists e.V., Baden-Baden, 1-4.5.1997

Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Heinold M, Hille E,
Sector-selective quadriceps training – Influence of the trained movement sector on training effectiveness. 45th Annual Meeting of South German Orthopedists e.V., Baden-Baden, 1-4.5.1997

Betthäuser A, Lampe F, Heinold M, Hille E,
Sector-selective quadriceps training – Control of training effectiveness using sonography and dynamography in a novel force measurement and training station. 45th Annual Meeting of South German Orthopedists e.V., Baden-Baden, 1-4.5.1997

Betthäuser A,
Operative standard care and rehabilitation of capsuloligamentous knee injuries. Symposium on Knee Ligament Injuries, Hudtwalkerstraße Rehabilitation Center, Hamburg, 24.4.1997

Betthäuser A,
Invasive pain therapeutic procedures – Localization using clinical, radiological, and sonographic diagnostics, and success monitoring of the procedures. Symposium of the International Society for Orthopedic Pain Therapy IGOST in collaboration with the Professional Association and the Working Group of Hamburg Orthopedists, with the founding meeting of IGOST, State Association Hamburg in Hamburg, Airporthotel, 21.3.1997

Betthäuser A, Mallwitz J, Lampe F, Hille E,
Role of ultrasound diagnostics in the prevention and rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system. 4th Biomechanics Symposium of the German Association of Sports Science dvs in Oldenburg, 3-5.4.1997

Hille E, Betthäuser A, Mallwitz J,
Shoulder instability – Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic. 3rd Congress of the German Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in Hamburg, 4-5.10.1996

Mallwitz J, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Overuse syndromes, pathophysiology, clinical and imaging diagnostics, conservative and operative therapy. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Betthäuser A,
Basic course in ultrasound diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system and infant hip with special consideration of sports medicine aspects. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Lampe F, Betthäuser A,
Shoulder instability in overhead athletes. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Lampe F, Betthäuser A,
Femoropatellar pain syndrome, conservative and operative therapy. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Betthäuser A, Honl M, Müller V,
Conservative and operative therapy of knee ligament injuries. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and radiological diagnosis of knee ligament injuries. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Betthäuser A,
Sonography in sports medicine. 6th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt 31.8. – 6.9.1996

Betthäuser A, Lampe F, Hille E,
Clinical and sonographic instability tests of the shoulder joint. Is in vivo motion analysis possible for the first time using ultrasound diagnostics? Biomechanical – Orthopedic Colloquium, AK Barmbek, 4.11.1996

Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Heinold M, Hille E,
Sector-selective quadriceps training – Influence of the trained movement sector on training effectiveness. 45th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Düsseldorf, 20-23.6.1996

Betthäuser A, Lampe F, Heinold M, Hille E,
Sector-selective quadriceps training – Control of training effectiveness using sonography and dynamography in a novel force measurement and training station. 45th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Düsseldorf, 20-23.6.1996

Mallwitz J, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Achilles tendon changes in competitive sports – Pathogenesis and values of sonography and MRI. How to treat, sports injuries, overload damage, Symposium of the Professional Association of Hamburg Orthopedists, Hamburg, 16.4.1996

Betthäuser A, Lampe F, Hille E,
Comparative studies of sector-selective quadriceps training using sonography and dynamography and treatment methods for femoropatellar pain syndrome. How to treat, sports injuries, overload damage, Symposium of the Professional Association of Hamburg Orthopedists, Hamburg, 16.4.1996

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics of the shoulder joint. Biomechanical-Orthopedic Colloquium, AK Barmbek, 4.3.1996

Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Hille,
Femoropatellar pain syndrome – Diagnosis and sector-selective quadriceps training in rehabilitation and prophylaxis. Symposium on the topic: Prophylaxis and therapy of degenerative knee joint diseases on 3.2.1996, European Surgical Institute ESI, Norderstedt

Lampe F, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Biomechanics, diagnosis, and therapy of femoropatellar pain syndrome. Symposium on the topic: Prophylaxis and therapy of degenerative knee joint diseases on 3.2.1996, European Surgical Institute ESI, Norderstedt

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
What influence do ligamentoplasty measures have on the course of degenerative knee joint diseases? Symposium on the topic: Prophylaxis and therapy of degenerative knee joint diseases on 3.2.1996, European Surgical Institute ESI, Norderstedt

Betthäuser A,
Diagnosis of overloads and instabilities of the upper ankle joint using sonography. 5th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 2-9.9.1995

Betthäuser A,
Sonographic diagnosis of shoulder instability and impingement. 5th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 2-9.9.1995

Betthäuser A,
Diagnosis of capsule ligament injuries in the knee joint with sonography and MRI. 5th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 2-9.9.1995

Löffler L, Betthäuser A,
Sonography in sports medicine practice. 5th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 2-9.9.1995

Betthäuser A, Mallwitz J, Heinsohn R, Hille E,
Poster presentation: Differential diagnosis of Achilles tendon changes in competitive sports with sonography and MRI. 34th German Sports Medicine Congress, Saarbrücken, 19-22.10.1995

Betthäuser A, Heinsohn R, Scharphuis I, Hille E,
Examination of the effects of knee-stabilizing surgical procedures after anterior cruciate ligament rupture using a new, digitized analysis technique. 34th German Sports Medicine Congress, Saarbrücken, 19-22.10.1995

Lampe F, Betthäuser A,
Sector-selective quadriceps training and effectiveness control using sonography and dynamography in a new force measurement and training station. 44th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Magdeburg, 8-10.6.1995

Mallwitz J, Heinsohn R, Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Differential diagnosis of Achilles tendon changes in competitive sports with sonography and MRI. 44th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Magdeburg, 8-10.6.1995

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
The value of arthroscopic therapy for the “middle-aged” osteoarthritic knee. 44th Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Magdeburg, 8-10.6.1995

Betthäuser A, Heinsohn R, Scharphuis I, Hille E,
Examination of the effects of knee-stabilizing surgical procedures using a new, very precise, digitized analysis technique (3D ultrasound analysis). 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of South German Orthopedists, Baden-Baden, 28.4.-1.5.1995

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
What diagnostic value does lumbar facet infiltration have in the context of lower back pain? 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of South German Orthopedists, Baden-Baden, 28.4.-1.5.1995

Betthäuser A, Heinsohn R, Scharphuis I, Hille E,
Diagnosis and therapy of unstable knee joints and their associated injuries – Presentation of an experimental ultrasound 3D study. How to treat, sports injuries, and overload damage, Symposium of the Professional Association of Hamburg Orthopedists, Hamburg, 13.9.1994

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Ultrasound diagnostics in musculoskeletal medicine. 4th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 3-10.9.1994

Betthäuser A, Heinsohn R, Scharphuis I, Hille E,
Presentation of an experimental dissection study on knee joint kinematics before and after stabilization surgeries (3D ultrasound analysis). 4th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 3-10.9.1994

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
What diagnostic and therapeutic benefits does lumbar facet infiltration have in distinguishing lumbar canal stenosis? 43rd Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Hannover, 7-9.7.1994

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Ultrasound diagnostics in musculoskeletal medicine. 3rd Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 4-11.9.1993

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
The elbow joint in sports rehabilitation. 3rd Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, 4-11.9.1993

Hauert J, Betthäuser A,
Treatment guidelines for apophyseal fractures in athletes in the pelvic region (sono stages). 42nd Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Hannover, 11.6.-13.6.1993

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
What diagnostic and therapeutic benefits does lumbar facet infiltration have? 42nd Annual Meeting of the North German Orthopedic Association e.V., Hannover, 11.6.-13.6.1993

Betthäuser A, Hille E,
Can mechanical back pain be localized by facet infiltration? -Facet block – Sonography – Distension test. 5th Düsseldorf International Autumn Symposium: Diagnostic Procedure – Which, When, Why? Düsseldorf, 2-4.10.1992

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