Scientific Chair

Scientific management or chairing meetings at congresses and symposia

The certified course curriculum “Examination Techniques of the Musculoskeletal System” is led by Dr. Betthäuser and takes place every two years and on six evenings per year at the Fortbildungsakademie der Ärztekammer Hamburg.

Between 1994 and 2019, Dr. Betthäuser conducted up to seven certified ultrasound courses on the musculoskeletal system per year in Hamburg and Bad Wiessee (and until 1998 in Sylt) and served as the DEGUM course instructor in Munich courses. The courses are certified by DEGUM, DGOOC, KVHamburg, KV Bayern, and ADO.

Since 2014, Dr. Betthäuser has been leading workshops twice a year on the topic of “Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on the Musculoskeletal System FESWT” in Hamburg Eppendorf.

Betthäuser, A: The Subacromial Pain. 4th Quality Circle of the Shoulder Network, Hamburg on February 17, 2016, Hamburg

Betthäuser A, Kele H,
Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis of the Shoulder Girdle – a Workshop-. 58th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, June 18-20, 2009, in Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Refresher Workshop Sonography Shoulder. 16th Annual Congress of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, April 24-25, 2009, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
The AGILON System. Workshop. 16th Annual Congress of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, April 24-25, 2009, Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis of the Shoulder Girdle – a Workshop-. 57th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, June 12-14, 2008, in Hamburg

Betthäuser A,
Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis of the Shoulder Girdle – a Workshop-. 56th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, June 14-16, 2007, in Hamburg

Betthäuser A
Clinical and Imaging Examination of the Shoulder Girdle – Current Programmed Examination – A Workshop. 55th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Hamburg Hotel Elysee, June 15-17, 2006

Betthäuser A
Knee Joint Instability – Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis, Value of Tricks and Efficiency-oriented Approach – A Workshop. 54th Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, Hamburg Hotel Atlantik, June 16-18, 2005

Workshop Ultrasound Diagnosis in Sports Medicine. GOTS Congress Munich, June 19-20, 2004

Workshop Ultrasound Diagnosis in Sports Medicine. GOTS Congress Munich, June 20-22, 2003

Session Hip Dysplasia 52nd Annual Congress of the North German Orthopedic Association, May 13-14, 2003, in Kiel

Workshop Ultrasound Diagnosis in Sports Medicine. GOTS Congress Munich, June 2002

Workshop Ultrasound Diagnosis in Sports Medicine. GOTS Congress Munich, June 28-29, 2001

Session: Tibia Osteotomy. 48th Annual Congress of the “Association of South German Orthopedists,” Baden-Baden, April 28 – May 1, 2000

Workshop Ultrasound Diagnosis in Sports Medicine. GOTS Congress Munich, June 30 – July 2, 2000

Workshop Ultrasound Diagnosis in Sports Medicine. GOTS Congress Munich, June 28-29, 1999

Ultrasound Diagnosis of Shoulder Joint Instabilities. Ultrasound Diagnosis 1998.
22nd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Zurich, October 14-17, 1998

Musculoskeletal System I: Shoulder – Arm. Ultrasound Diagnosis 1998. 22nd Tri-National Meeting of the Swiss, German, and Austrian Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine, Zurich, October 14-17, 1998

International Workshop of the Hamburg Sports Physicians Association and the Orthopedic Clinic of the AK Barmbek: Problems of the Cruciate Ligament Injury – Indication, Cartilage Transplantation, Rehabilitation. Congress Center Hamburg, June 6, 1998

Knee – Ligament Injuries, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Therapy
7th Barmbek Sports Symposium, Event of the Sports Physicians Association of Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, August 30 – September 6, 1997

The “Middle Aged” Arthritic Knee. 44th Northwest German Orthopedic Congress, September 14-16, 1995, Magdeburg

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